“The most effective brain supplements and nootropics available on the market today.”


Enhance Your Cognitive Performance Using Brain Supplements with Proven Results

Improve Your Memory, Aptitude and Focus with Supplements That Satisfy Your Brain’s Needs

How Do Brain Supplements Help With Brain Fog?

12/4/2021 brain supplements brain fog

Have you ever imagined getting your hands on some special pills that could leave you with Popeye’s spinach effect? Something that would allow you to function like the chess queen, Beth Harmon… instead of the sluggish sloth that you are in real life? Let me break it to you: brain supplements do exist and even though they won’t give you muscles like Popeye, they might help with clarity, focus, memory and other brain functions… things that actually help you do better in all areas of life!

If your lack concentration, constantly procrastinate or have poor memory retention… these things can make you feel like a nincompoop who is good at nothing – but this is wrong. These symptoms are usually known as brain fog or cognitive impairment and it is fairly common. As you finish reading this post, you will learn whether brain fog can be treated and what a recent invention called nootropics has to do with it.


Occasionally procrastinating, feeling drowsy, a little anxiety and stress, getting zoned-out during a conversation – all of it is normal and can easily be fixed. It is when a person experiences a perpetual state of confusion and cognitive decline that the problem arises. While it is not a medical term, brain fog is how most people describe a clouded consciousness. Lack of focus, disorganized or confused thinking, forgetfulness, sluggishness, incoherent speech, and decline in motivation are just some of its general symptoms.

Various things can lead to it, from improper routine, excessive and unregulated screen time, lack of sleep, malnutrition, to toxins, and hormonal imbalance. With brain fog being a serious condition that impairs people's ability to function normally, it is crucial to get it treated and cured. While following a healthy routine, exercises, therapy for stress and depression, etc., might work for some, it is not always effective. And so, for people who find it difficult to manage brain fog, brain supplements are prescribed.


Brain supplements are any natural or synthetic substance that can act as cognitive enhancers. Initially, only formulas and chemicals synthesized for the purpose of improving brain functions and memory were considered as brain supplements, but now anything that can help with mental skills and have a positive impact on memory falls in the bracket.

In short, they are the magical pills you have envisioned yourself popping up that would give you some supernatural mental strength. Well, not supernatural maybe, like the earlier presented Queen’s Gambit analogy might be a bit exaggerated, but just to get the point across, whatever helps with cognitive impairment falls in the bracket of nootropics. And now that we have established what brain supplements are let's see how they help with brain fog.


As discussed earlier, over-the-counter products can be both synthetic and natural. The cognitive network is complex, and we still do not entirely know of its intricacies. However, thanks to science, some information has been collected over the years. We know that there are specific substances healthy for the human brain, and we are also aware of many substances capable of intoxicating it. Brain supplements have come into being in an attempt to devise ways to help heal from mental diseases, conditions, and other related problems.

We have collected for you a list of nootropics and their effect on the brain, so let's get started.


Coffee and tea are a go-to when it comes to dealing with brain fog. These brewed beverages contain caffeine that can reduce stress and help get rid of drowsiness if taken in a regulated amount.


Fish oil has always been popular across various cultures as it was believed to be good brain food. With research, though, we have found that it contains an omega-three fatty acid called Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that can improve mental fatigue and memory. And thus, it is recommended for people suffering from the symptoms of brain fog.


Stress exacerbates brain fog. Since hormonal imbalance is one of the causes, L-Theanine is also used along with caffeine because it increases levels of serotonin, GABA, and dopamine (the happy hormone), reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.


Issues with communication and comprehension are common in brain fog. Lecithin is a substance that contains choline, a chemical used by the brain for communication. Thus taking soy lecithin can help aid the problem of incoherent speech, confusion and also sharpens memory.


Vitamin C serves as an antioxidant and also regulates hormone production. Therefore, citrus fruits and Vitamin-C tablets are often prescribed for symptoms of brain fog.


Inflammation is one of the reasons for brain fog. Vitamin E is an excellent substance to fight oxidative stress and damage due to free radicals and inflammation.


Vitamin A also helps with free radical damage. Apart from that, it is essential for neurogenesis and neuronal survival; thus, it is recommended for brain fog.


Creatine increases oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore, this energy-delivering substance is sometimes administered to treat brain frog symptoms.


Ginkgo-Biloba extract is widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It enhances memory and is thus an important and popular brain supplement.


Brain supplements have a wide range of benefits but there are still questions about their long term effects. While the sales of nootropics increased by 74% during 2006 and 2016 and even more today, they remain a controversial subject among doctors. With all of the pros of its listed above, it is to be noted that some can cause side effects and lead to secondary complications such as high blood pressure, increased heart rate, insomnia, addiction, etc. Some studies suggest that people consuming brain supplements may be more likely to get involved in impulsive actions. 


Brain fog is a matter of impairment in the cognitive domain. With the advancement in technology, we now have a options to improve that. While regulated use can certainly help recover from cognitive decline and mental stress, carelessness can lead to serious health risks so we recommend that you consult a doctor before getting into a long term brain supplement plan.