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3 Exciting Brain Advancements You Can Buy Soon

3/6/2020 new nootropics brain science latest brain technology
"...imagine installing a chip in your head that enables you to remember every word your boss says, learn a new language just days before your trip..."

"...imagine installing a chip in your head that enables you to remember every word your boss says, learn a new language just days before your trip..."

Artificial intelligence is the talk of the town, with seemingly all tech companies leveraging its power to offer better products and services. Google's ever-advancing search algorithms, Amazon's powerful AWS Machine Learning, and all the smart appliances on the market. It's clear that the era of merging technology with the human brain is here—and this innovation is bound to shape our future. While the wonders of artificial intelligence are mostly appreciated by the powers that be, it's exciting to learn that the latest brain advancements are geared toward public consumption.

1) Brain-computer interfaces

If you don't miss out on the latest news surrounding AI, then you've probably heard many people say that it's only a matter of time before super-smart AI takes over the world. That sounds like straight from science fiction, but at its current rate, AI may very well be on its way to outsmarting humans.

Elon Musk shares this belief, and it's exactly what drove him to blend human brains with computers. Other tech companies attempt the same thing, with the primary goal of helping humans keep up with the pace at which AI gets smarter. Devices that could boost mental prowess are now in development.

Just imagine installing a chip in your head that enables you to remember every word your boss says, learn a new language just days before your trip, or enhance your senses to perform various physical tasks more efficiently than ever. This is what awaits us in the next few years. And even if AI hasn't surpassed the human brain yet, it's great to see that the first steps are already being taken to prevent humans from lagging too far behind.

Of course this makes many think of apocalyptic, "mark of the beast", "big brother" types of things... brain-computer interfaces are certainly the one with the most unresolved security and safety concerns of the three we investigated here..

2) Brain-boosting pills

Now here's one that isn't all that new. Nootropics have gone mainstream for over a decade, yet they're still surrounded by much controversy. Is there really a magic pill that can make you smarter?

Several studies produce conflicting results. Most of these studies, however, fail to report on the long-term effects of nootropics. Monitoring the intelligence, attention, and control levels of users over a period of just a few years doesn't reflect the true power behind the best brain supplements.

Right now, a new wave of nootropic supplements is in the works. A collaborative effort by scientists and nutritionists, these brain-boosting pills are designed to enhance intelligence, focus, and relaxation. Improvements to the nootropics of old have been implemented to provide longer-lasting results without any side effects. Perhaps in about 5 years, these nootropics will hit the market and create a new trend that isn't just your ordinary fad.

3) The Human Brain Project

Have you ever wondered why some people excel at creative activities while others shine with their analytical skills? All of us share the same brain structure, so where does the difference emanate from?

These are the questions that the Human Brain Project wants to address. This project is headed by European experts from the three disciplines most directly related to brain function: medicine, neuroscience, and computing.

The ultimate goal of the project is to gain a full understanding of the human brain. The study of the brain's physiology hasn't offered much in terms of understanding its functionality. Researchers now look into the biology of the brain, which could lead to innovations in cognitive research and advances in the treatment of different neurological disorders.

For instance, early research shows that electrodes can be implanted inside the human brain to treat neurological diseases. This type of surgery will hopefully become outpatient procedures in the near future, helping millions of patients fully recover and improve their health.